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The Black Crow (Part 3) | 黑鴉(下)
The Last Ritual | 最後的儀式

The time we arrived the island, they were so extremely thrilled, just to me, they hosted me like a supreme guest, they provided me with the most comfortable suite, offered me the most mellow wine, cooked me the most sumptuous meal. I have to stop them from such overwhelming hospitality, by keeping to say: I just merely an ordinary crew member! After a few times of attempt only they restrained their enthusiasm for a bit. I heard all this was the priest who told them to do so.

I was brought to meet the priest after exactly thirty days passed. The priest himself exhibited no difference with other normal people, from his plain attire, and words and deeds I can’t sense anything that made him special. His body looked slightly plump and emitting the aroma of the bouquet. He always following behind one gigantic black crow, they had their conversation with their eyes occasionally surveying on me, the priest always nodded his head hardly any matter what was the black crow saying. This was how the first meet upended.

At the breaking dawn of 21st March, I was again brought to meet the priest, for this time it was somewhere else: on the reef by the seashore. The island residents removed the moss on the reef with a hard force, during the cleaning they spoke no words as if they were undergoing a sacred ritual. They didn’t bother to entertain me when they saw me coming, this was a stark contrast to my initial arrival. The cleaning started from the first light, it was completed at the rise of the moon. Underneath the shower of moonlight, the red spot was subtly visible on the surface of the cleaned reef.

Upon the arrival of the black crow, and definitely followed by the priest, the island resident immediately dropped the tools and left. The Black Crow looked at the moon, then his vision fell on me, this was different from the previous mere eye-surveying, this time he was concretely eye communicating with me, for real.

“Perhaps there’s a question in your mind, ’why am I brought to here?’ Let me tell you, all these will come to the ground by entering into my stomach. I know this is absurd, perhaps I should put it this way: the treasure you have been hearing of in real is not true, this island is nothing, I floated on this sea with this island together, I have overturned every inch of soil of this island, there’s no rare mineral that you all are looking for, not even an ant. The limited resource on this island has created a difficulty for my future living, the fish near the sea were all caught by the opposite, I can hardly sustain my physiological activities with the salt and microorganisms inside the sea water. Not believing it? You can consult the microorganisms inside my stomach, they have witnessed everything.”

“The priest, what are you still waiting for? You may proceed to the last ritual.”

Compared with the last numerous repetitive ritual, the last one did not denote any difference in view of the priest himself. With experienced manner, he executed the gesture, the steps and the curse, at last, he sent me to into the opening beak of the Black Crow. At the moment my head approached his month cavity, I indistinctly saw a dimmed light from deep inside the Black Crow’s throat.

The upper part of my body has entered into him when this sentence was written, I tried to observe the surrounding with great effort, determined to record my observation as detail as possible. It was just after all, one sudden idea popped up: No matter how hard I write, it was worthless without you enter to have a look yourself.






“也許你心裡充滿疑問:'為什麼我會被帶來這裡?'我告訴你,這一切需要在你進入我的肚子過後才可以解開。我知道這一切很荒謬,也許我該這樣說吧,你所聽聞的寶藏之說事實上並不真實,這島其實一無是處。我與這島一起浮現在海上,我反轉了島的每一寸土,土裡除了礦物質之外並沒有你們要找的稀有物質,這裡連一隻螞蟻也找不到。島上有限的資源使我在日後的存活充滿難題,海邊的魚都被對岸打撈,我只好每日藉著海水裡的鹽分與微生物來維持我的生理活動。你不相信? 你可以問問我肚子裡的微生物,它們都見證了這一切。”




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